Our work has been covered in a variety of news outlets over the years. This page archives those news items. Click on a thumbnail for the link.
- My article Sorting Guilty Minds (co-authored with Morris Hoffman, Owen Jones, Joshua Greene, and Rene Marois) was featured in: Debra Cassens Weiss, Jurors Confuse Knowing and Reckless Conduct, Study Finds (ABA Journal, Dec 21, 2011). Findings from the study were also picked up by Lawyers USA, the Maryland Daily Record, Justia, and by practitioners in Massachusetts and Utah.
- Education Week, September 2007, “School Boards’ Effect on Student Learning Gets New Attention” by Debra Viadero, September 26, 2007 [ .pdf version ]
- New York Times. August 31, 2006. “Los Angeles Mayor Gains Control of the Schools, but Hardly Total Control” by Jennifer Steinhauser [ .pdf version ]
- Bloomberg News, August 30, 2006. “Los Angeles Mayor May Seize Worst Schools in Power-Sharing Deal” by Paul Basken [ .pdf version ]
- Los Angeles Daily News, July 30, 2006, “Lessons to LEARN in reform of LAUSD?” by Naush Boghossian [ .pdf version ]
- I was quoted in: Los Angeles Daily News, “Your kids will learn better,” by Naush Boghossian [.pdf version]
- Governing Magazine, May 2006. “Battered School Boards” by Rob Gurwitt [ .pdf version ]
- USA Today, March 16, 2006 retrospective on the 1996 High School Academic All-American Team [ .pdf version ]
- Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, October 18, 2003, “Research says students, budgets excel when mayors appoint boards” by Jane Elizabeth [ .pdf version ]
- This Op-Ed based on our book, Casualty Gap, was featured in the Los Angeles Times (5/28/2010). The LA Times Op-Ed was re-run, either in print or online, in papers in nineteen states across the country, including the The Oregonian, Juneau Empire, Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, The News Tribune, Times Argus, Democrat and Chronicle, Honolulu Advertiser, The Charleston Gazette, Duluth News Tribune, The Post-Star, Press of Atlantic City,,, Courier Journal, South Coast Today, Statesman, Salt Lake Tribune, Boulder Daily Camera, Arizona Daily Sun, and the Rome News Tribune.
- I was interviewed on Parent Talk Live in 2013 about my research on urban education.
- My research on charter schools was cited in: “Charter Schools Work” by Michael Van Winkle, June-July 2007, News and Views,The New Coalition for Economic and Social Change.
- My work with Douglas Kriner on war casualties was covered in this resource for journalists.
- My work was cited in an article in the University of Minnesota campus paper, the Minnesota Daily.
- My book chapter, Law and Neuroscience in the United States (with Owen Jones), has been picked up on the blogosphere here, here, and here.
- My article Brain Scans as Evidence (with Owen Jones) was picked up by the blogosphere here and here.
- My LA Times Op-Ed (with Douglas L. Kriner) on inequality and war sacrifice was quoted in an interview with historian Adam Hochschild (5/10/2011).
- My work (with Kenneth K. Wong) on charter schools was cited by The State-Journal Register (6/9/2008).